Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Day

The days seem to go by so quickly. Megan is in working on some extra credit, Mandy is at volleyball, and I am supposed to be fixing supper so that we can eat when Warren gets home from work before we have to leave for praise team practice. Can you tell cooking isn't high on my list? What I'd really like is to curl up on the couch, read a book, and drink a glass of wine.

Don't get me wrong - I don't mind doing any of this stuff, what I mind is the clock. I don't like having to be places by a certain time, I'd rather have a range to shoot for. One of my favorite things that Emmaus taught me was "don't anticipate, enjoy". I had to remove my watch seven years ago when I went on my original walk and I have never put it back on. The world hasn't stopped, and every thing gets done...Believe me, the dishes don't get up and wash themselves because I don't do then with in five minutes upon ending a meal! (I would love for this to happen though :)

I think this is one reason I love my class. We don't follow the bell schedule set by the school, we progress through the day as the kids need to. We go to the bathroom when the urge hits and we take plenty of time to laugh. While I think I was born at the perfect time for me, I envy the people in Jesus day who followed the sun.

Well, the sun's not shining today - it's pouring outside-but the clock on the menu bar says it's time to go pick up Mandy from practice....

Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, we'll see how well I do with this...considering it's taken me 30 minutes to get the page set up to this point it could be interesting.