Sunday, August 23, 2009

People are mean...or is it me?

I want to cry.

Pharaoh, Pharaoh was playing this morning as I was arriving to practice with the praise team before church. Today was homecoming and the Stick Kids were performing; since Megan is a member I know the song and danced to it along with the kids. I was there ready to praise and worship and for me this means having fun.

There was a lady there (whom I don't much care for) who turned to my friend and said "doesn't she know we're in church? She should not be dancing like that in here!"

When Sherri told me what she said I laughed it off and Sherri and I decided to continue dancing just to irritate her. Yes I know...I'm spiteful and immature.

Sherri had a great attitude about this, she said "if she thinks we shouldn't dance in church then we obviously aren't moving around enough". Allow to say this woman never comes to the 8:30 (contemporary service) and now perhaps I know why. We work hard to fill His house with energy and excite people to go out into His world and do His work.

That's what my brain was trying to emphasize.

My heart is aching.

Is it me? Am I immature? Should I act more grown-up? I know I make a lot of statements that I think to myself "did I just say that out loud?" Should I be taking life more seriously? Perhaps I should settle down and act my age....

I put everything I have and everything I am in to my family, job, Jesus. I live out loud and don't hold back. Should I be less vocal? Should I hold back? Should I be more refined and sophisticated? I know my children, husband, and boss would appreciate it if I kept my mouth shut and "behaved".

It's the timeless question : when do I have to start acting my age? I'm not really sure I want to if that means I too end up with the attitude of "don't dance in church", but if that's what I'm supposed to do I guess I'll start.

Just don't expect me to be happy anymore.

1 comment:

  1. My sister: read II Samuel 6:1-5, 12-23. And remember that most Christians have far more in common with Michal than they do with David.

    More's the pity.

